Friday, February 13, 2009

Wisdom Leads to Sweet Life

Some people believe that if they take the time to learn or seek knowledge that they will lose the excitement in their lives. What most of these people don't realize is the life that opens up in their mind once they begin to release it. All it takes is the right topic and the right information and every thought becomes a river, sweeping them away.

When I met my husband he could not begin to understand why I would work a full time job and juggle night classes around being a single mom. Then he also got to experience the emptiness I felt when I had overdone it and had to drop my classes. The point here being that with learning and knowledge come the fulfillment of wisdom. Fulfillment of wisdom brings things that you would be surprised to hear of. Self confidence, self worth, the reality that there is life beyond the shallow minded masses and prosperity. Incredibly, when the situation seems hopeless to the completely unaware, it is interesting the amount of money that they will pay a wise person or "geek," to resolve the situation that ignorance put them in. This is when wisdom barely begins to show it's value.

While I am now on a path of learning that is outside of most educational institutions, I still look to learn. My country boy husband has to sometimes suppress his frustration when I ask for every detail of setting a fence post or why we till up the garden every week before it's time to plant. There is knowledge around every corner whether we realize it or not. Don't forget to seek it.

"Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future for you, and your hope will not be cut off." (Proverbs 24:14 NIV)

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