Friday, May 29, 2009

Grace is enough

Today I awoke to a house of tired children and the normal worries of life weighing me down. As I began my day I fell into an old bad habit of allowing myself to be annoyed and frustrated with everything. I wanted to blame it on the lack of coffee at that early hour, though I know that the truth lies with my own unwillingness to take control of my attitude. I continued into the beginning of my day and as I often must do I searched in the music to adjust my perspective and my thought process.

On this new road of my professional life, I have found that my life is all up to the choices I choose to make. If I allow myself to continue in my foul mood, then my business will suffer. I must consciously make the choice to be genuine and be positive. I must require myself to see the blessings that I have to be thankful for. That I am blessed beyond what sometimes I am able to comprehend. My provider does not forget me, He stands beside me and waits for me. He talks to me and shows me in the little things what it is He wants me to do.

This morning I heard messages about His grace being enough. That He is sufficient for me. I have lived such a large portion of my life with out an understanding of the Grace that has been provided specifically for me. I am slowly beginning to see both the grace in my past, and the grace in my life now that allows me to adjust my attitude more easily. To release the fear and the stress and the disappointment in all aspects of my life. To understand that the Victory has already been won, that I only have to accept it.

I am grateful for each lesson that I learn everyday. I am grateful that I am not held to be infallible, that I am not required to be constantly in control, that while I am accountable for my choices, I have the choice to do what is right. I have the choice to allow graciousness into my life and into my relationships. His grace is enough for me.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Acceptance of Abundance

I have been stepping out on faith to receive blessing in obedience. Not long ago, I received a word that there is not just blessing in store for myself and my family, but abundant blessing. Not just merely meeting our needs, but exceeding them. To understand, you must realize that when you are blessed you are to bless others. That is when you sow a seed into the life of another, and expect a harvest in the future. There is so much out there that is in store for us all if only we will follow the directions and receive the blessing, even if it is not in the form that we expected it to be in. It's often a challenge to accept a blessing that does not come in the form that we expect it to be in. We often don't realize that it is a blessing or the gift that we hoped for in a different package. It's important that I don't walk past it downcast thinking it is not for me.

I have so many reasons to be grateful and fulfilled. My God is working in the life of my husband, and he is listening. That by itself is a huge gift to me. The boldness to speak it out to me is even another small, yet monumental block that is laid in place to show me the faithfulness that my Father has to fulfill His promises. As the time flys by, and I work to give God something to bless. Each day I remind myself that it is through Christ that I have the strength to accomplish my goals, not myself. The pressure is not on me, the victory is already there, won with a price. I only have to receive it, to accept it, to enjoy it and protect it with the remembrance of why it is mine to begin with.

Sometimes, God takes us down roads that appear to be rarely traveled and overgrown. Twisting and turning and not quite heading in the direction we think we should be going. This is where I am, enjoying the quiet of this solitude, and working to not allow my cautious self dictate, but to allow God to speak to me and to follow His direction. With each turn I can see His hand and a small glimpse of His love and patience with me. And I am grateful, there are many things that God has planned for me in the coming months, He shares just enough with me to show me that the end product will be worth the work and the release of control that I must continue in to get there.

"They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, and You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures." (Psalm 36:8 NKJV)