Thursday, February 5, 2009

Continuing down the road...only a block on my way

Have you ever ventured down a road that you have no idea where it leads? I'm on it now. I know this is the road I am supposed to be following though cannot begin to fathom what I will encounter or where it actually leads. I like to imagine that I know where God is leading me, though I know that as any good parent, He is sitting back giggling to Himself knowing I don't have a clue.

This is merely the very beginning, hardly even having started out, looking over my shoulder and still being able to see where it is I began. This is where I must step out in faith and trust the plan and success in my life have already been divinely appointed. Now I am only required to follow the instructions that have been provided to find the prize that is still unknown.

Hmm, how much trust does it show when you try to hold to the inspiration of yesterday and not grab hold of what is being offered today? Today's lesson must be to remember to open my heart and my ears and my mind to hear the answer to the questions I have posed. I cannot help but think of the irritation I feel when asked a question and the petitioner does not remain to obtain the response. A query that is never answered because the requester was never open to the answer.

I know many people who ask God for answers, and refuse to open themselves to hear what He has to say. They claim to pray but do so without believing for the answer, or reject it because it is not what they want to hear. That is a road I have traveled and I can tell you it is a dead end. You will have to complete the five point turn (for those you who have seen me drive you know what this means) to accomplish the 180 degree u-turn required to go back and try again.

So today I will leave you with this. "You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures." James 4:3 NKJV Perhaps you just need to reconsider your motives for asking and He is just waiting for you to understand that He has purpose and wants you to listen to His solution.

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